Life-changing software tools

Life-changing software tools
Photo by Andrik Langfield / Unsplash

In the dizzying world of digital distractions, sometimes we need a helping hand (or three) to get us back on the productivity train. Here are some top-tier software tools that are more like superheroes in the land of procrastination:


Meet Freedom, the digital bouncer that kicks out those time-wasting websites and apps from your party called 'Productivity'.

In the dizzying world of digital distractions, sometimes we need a helping hand (or three) to get us back on the productivity train. Here are some top-tier software tools that are more like superheroes in the land of procrastination:

How to use it?

Install this tech-guardian, set up a list of the usual suspects - you know, those websites and apps that keep whispering "Just one more scroll..." Then, schedule your block sessions. Freedom, like a dutiful bodyguard, will keep these distractions away while you focus on being the rockstar of your work.

Why use it?

Imagine working without that nagging urge to check your social media feeds every 15 minutes. Freedom is your ticket to that sweet, distraction-free paradise. It not only saves you from the digital rabbit holes but also polishes your work habits.


Next up is Focusmate, a virtual co-working platform that's like having a study buddy, but for grown-ups doing grown-up work.

How to use it?

Hop on to Focusmate, schedule a work date, and boom! You're paired with a work buddy. Share your mission, work in peace (or pretend to), then report your conquests. It's like a work date, minus the awkward silences.

Why use it?

Ever heard of the buddy system? That's Focusmate, but without the annoying part of having a real person in your workspace. And the best part? No one will judge you if you're in your pajamas.


Stickk i is like a tough love coach who won't let you off the hook. Set your goals, put some stakes on it (scary, right?), and watch your productivity soar.

How to use it?

Once you're on Stickk, set a goal (easy peasy), put some stakes on it (gulp), invite a Referee (double gulp), and you're all set. If you don't meet your goal, say goodbye to your stakes. Ouch, but effective.

Why use it?

Stickk is like having a motivational speaker in your pocket, but with a twist. It preys on your fear of losing (aka your stakes) and the dread of disappointing your Referee. Sounds terrifying? Maybe. Does it work? Absolutely.

So, if you're ready to wage war against procrastination and become the productivity ninja you've always dreamt of being, these tools are your secret weapons. Remember, in the digital jungle, it's survival of the focused!